My name is Kelly Mitchell. Or The Breathing PT. Not the most original of names but I help people improve their breathing in various ways and I’m a respiratory physiotherapist (PT), so there you have it. The Breathing PT.
I’m on a mission to get everyone breathing well! Breathing is the most important thing we can do as humans, but this importance is often undervalued and poorly understood, even by the medical profession.
In fact, we’re really bad at breathing how nature intended us to. It’s not just people who have lung conditions who need help, people with no medical history are experiencing changes to their breathing too. The world is crazy busy now and our lives have become more stressful and this is having a negative impact on our breathing and in turn our physical and mental health. So, whether you have a long-term lung condition or disordered breathing because of stress or anxiety, I can help.
I have spent the last 16 years of my life building an extensive knowledge base and skill set and spent most of that time working in the NHS. Although breathing is my ‘thing’ I have worked in pretty much every area of the health service, from stroke to orthopaedics to maternity to older people’s medicine to intensive care to thoracic and general surgery to name a few. I don’t just do breathing. My varied medical background gives me an understanding of your condition that many people do not have.
I chose to move away from the NHS because I was unable to tackle what I wanted to in the way I wanted to do it. I want to cut through the noise when it comes to breathing well. The health and wellness industry is full of contradictory advice. And when it comes to how to breathe some of the ‘advice’ is terrifying and it’s in the mainstream. This has got to change.
My aim is to provide you with information that’s underpinned by accurate medical knowledge but not so boring or complicated that you fall asleep! You might see me taking the humorous route to get my point across but this doesn’t mean I don’t take your health and wellness extremely seriously. Quite the opposite in fact but we’re going to have a good time whilst we’re getting you better. If it’s not enjoyable you’re not going to do what you need to do!
So in a nutshell, that’s me. I’ll be posting lots of advice, information and tips on my blog and social media so give me a follow if you want to make sure you’re doing all right things for your breathing. Once I’ve gotten over the terrifying prospect of filming myself I’ll post up some video content too!
If you have any questions or would like specific advice please get in contact – direct via email or via my website contact page.
I look forward to helping you!
Breath well!
Kelly 😊